Monday, August 24, 2020
Flag Burning Unconstitutional essays
Banner Burning Unconstitutional papers Banner consuming is in no way, shape or form a substantial type of political articulation under the primary revision. In spite of the fact that the Supreme Court, on account of Gregory Johnson, decided that it was in reality protected to permit individuals to consume the banner, the proof against this decision is overpowering. In the first place, the principal alteration provides assurance to demonstrators wishing to voice their political feelings vocally and emblematically, the revision doesn't take into consideration the profaning of consecrated items, for example, banners, graveyards, and open landmarks. The Texas law in actuality when Gregory Johnson consumed an American banner in dissent of the American political framework obviously expresses that it is unlawful to spoil such articles. The law characterized profaning as physical abuse of such items in a manner which the denounced realizes will affront at least one people prone to watch or find the demonstration. At the point whe n Gregory Johnson consumed his banner he plainly planned to make an open show and irritate spectators. The second contention against banner consuming is that there are numerous different ways for one to communicate despise for the American vote based framework than to consume on of its most hallowed items. The banner represents considerably more than the fifty states, in the it speaks to fights battled for the United States by countless veterans. The banner speaks to national solidarity. The third, and generally significant, contention is that banner consuming is a demonstration that might cause a lot of viciousness whenever done in an open spot. The main alteration doesn't fight this kind of discourse. (Texas versus Johnson worksheet) The Texas law made to secure holy articles unmistakably expresses that it is illicit to spoil whatever could case open consternation. In Gregory Johnsons preliminary a few observers affirmed that they were profoundly affronted by Johnsons act. This contention alone makes banner consuming unlawful. Gregory Johnson ought to have been rebuff... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Constitutional and Administrative Law of UK Essay
Established and Administrative Law of UK - Essay Example The scientist expresses that Constitutional Conventions are comparable in nature to Customs. They are trailed by the State however there is no such order which explicitly takes into account their usage. Notwithstanding, despite the fact that there is no particular law which requests their usage, they are viewed as a fundamental piece of the possibility of Constitution, and through such accepts they are rehearsed by the individuals of the State. â€Å"Dicey characterized Constitutional Conventions as Ê ºÃ¢â‚¬ ¦. rules for deciding the mode in which the optional forces of the Crown (or pastors or workers of the Crown) should be worked out. Besides, he expressed that shows are protected principles, which are not laws in the severe sense which are intended to control the utilization of optional force by the Crown.†Such shows structure a necessary piece of the State apparatus alongside the act of the Constitution. â€Å"A show is an acknowledged manner by which things are finish ed. They are not recorded in law however will in general be old, built up rehearses †the manner in which they have consistently been finished. In spite of the fact that these shows are not set in legitimate stone, their very presence throughout the years has constantly lead to the smooth activity of government.†Conventions are particular from law as they are certain political profound quality and ought to be put to put so as to make sure about the decision of the electorate. â€Å"It is a show that if something in government turns out badly, the bureau will all sing a similar melody and bolster the pastor who might be accepting all way of analysis from the media.†... the Constitution about the manner in which a State should isolate its forces between the three organs specifically the Judiciary, the Legislature and the Executive. The Legislature is intended to outline laws which must be actualized by the Executive in full power. The enactment practices its directly through the execution of the approaches of the shows. The official has the duty of executing the approaches which have been made by the Legislature in lieu of the desire of the individuals. â€Å"It is a show that the sovereign will acknowledge the enactment passed by the administration. Before, the dread of what befell Charles I has ordinarily guaranteed an amicable connection among ruler and Parliament! At the point when Charles II became ruler in 1660, the general guideline was for Parliament to give the lord enough cash every year to keep up an illustrious way of life however for him not to engage in governmental issues. This worked fairly well and rulers and Parliament had for the most part functioned admirably from that point forward particularly as Parliament held the monarch’s tote. Presently in the C21st, it is recently acknowledged that the sovereign will give parliamentary enactment the Royal Assent. It is nearly too much that she would not do so †the protected emergency this would make would be huge.†Deriving from the above perspective, all the activities in the activity of sway are characterized inside the domains of established shows. By not having a composed Constitution, the State of England has consistently been in the circumstance to practice the basics of the Constitution through these shows. Through this strategy the shows are the fundamental connection which associates the desire of the individuals with the Constitutional order. The desire of the electorate must be maintained and followed in exacting measures and the
Friday, July 24, 2020
Facing Rejection
Facing Rejection I’ve gotten so many of these emails by now, I don’t even have to read past the first line to know what’s coming next. They generally begin with, “Due to a record number of applicants…†soon followed by “we regret to inform you.†Those of you who’ve survived the college admissions process know what I’m talking about. It’s the email or letter that everyone dreads receiving. Sometimes it comes as a shock, and other times, it confirms that inner doubt you carried all along. Either way, rejection stings. Unfortunately, rejection is something we will routinely face throughout our lives. This semester, alone, I was rejected from joining clubs (yes, you can be rejected from a club), academic programs, and multiple internships that Ive applied to. And despite knowing that we live in a competitive world, and that I tried my best, I was still left with a feeling of deep-seated disappointment and ultimately, exhaustion. Coincidentally, the only thing that made me feel better was thinking about my previous failures. I thought back to 7th grade, when I was failing algebra and it seemed like a lost cause, and now here I am majoring in Finance. Or when I experienced my first real heartbreakâ€"because that’s a form of rejection, tooâ€"and I thought I’d never get over it, but with time, I moved on. gif from tumblr Thinking back to all of these crucial moments reminded that I’d already faced rejection so many times. Who’s to say that I couldn’t face it again? So if you got rejected from your dream school or job, take it as a humbling experience and carry on. Im right there with you. We all have our own lists of failures, embarrassments, cringe-worthy life moments, etc. And the truth is, we’ll spend the rest of our lives adding to that collection…but maybe that’s not a bad thing. No matter where you are in life right now, know that you’ll be rejected. And when you are rejected, hold onto that feeling and channel it into something else. Hopefully when you look back, you aren’t haunted by all of your prior failures, but rather, reminded of all the hurdles you’ve overcome. If you don’t feel like reading this whole post, here are some quotes I thought were relevant: “Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.†Dalai Lama Failure is just a resting place. It is an opportunity to begin again more intelligently. Henry Ford Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes but they don’t quit. Conrad Hilton “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the games winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and thats why I succeed.†Michael Jordan Ria Class of 2018 I'm studying both Finance and Information Systems and Information Technology in the Gies College of Business. I’m from Los Altos, California.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Member of the Wedding A Play By Carson McCullers
Frankie Addams is an exuberant and outspoken 12-year-old tomboy growing up in a small Southern town in 1945. Her closest relationships are with Berenice Sadie Brown - the Addams’ family housekeeper/cook/nanny - and her younger cousin John Henry West. The three of them spend most of their days together talking and playing and arguing. Frankie is enchanted with her older brother, Jarvis’s, upcoming wedding. She even goes so far as to claim that she is in love with the wedding. Frankie is excluded from the main social group of girls that live in the same town and can’t seem to find her place among her peers or in her own family. She yearns to be part of a â€Å"we†but refuses to truly connect with Berenice and John Henry in a way that would give her the â€Å"we†that she needs. John Henry is too young and Berenice is African American. The social constructs and age differences are too much for Frankie to overcome. Frankie gets lost in a fantasy where she and her older brother and his new wife depart together after the wedding and travel the world. She won’t hear anyone tell her differently. She is determined to leave her life behind and become part of their â€Å"we.†The Member of the Wedding by American playwright Carson McCullers also has two subplots woven into and out of Frankie’s narrative. John Henry West is a quiet and easily pushed away boy who never gets the attention he needs from Frankie, Berenice, or anyone in his own family. He tries to get noticed but is often set aside. This haunts Frankie and Bernice later when the boy dies of meningitis. The second subplot involves Berenice and her friends T.T. Williams and Honey Camden Brown. The audience learns all about Berenice’s past marriages as she and T.T. tiptoe around a courtship. Honey Camden Brown gets into trouble with the police by drawing a razor on a store owner for not serving him. Through these characters and several smaller roles, the audience gets a big dose of what life was like for the African American community in the South in 1945. Production Details Setting: A small Southern town Time: August 1945 Cast size: This play can accommodate 13 actors. Male Characters: 6Female Characters: 7Characters that could be played by either males or females: 0 Content Issues: Racism, talk of lynching Roles Berenice Sadie Brown is the faithful household servant to the Addams family. She cares deeply for Frankie and John Henry but does not try to be a mother to them. She has her own life outside of Frankie’s kitchen and puts that life and those concerns first. She does not care that Frankie and John Henry are young. She challenges their views and does not try to protect them from the rough and messy parts of life.Frankie Addams is struggling to find her place in the world. Her best friend moved to Florida last year leaving her alone with memories of belonging to a group and no idea of how to join another group. She is in love with her brother’s wedding and yearns to leave with Jarvis and Janis when the wedding is over. There is no one around her who can or will provide Frankie with direction and emotional guidance during this turbulent time.John Henry West is willing to be the friend Frankie needs but his age interferes with their relationship. He is constantly searching fo r a loving motherly figure but can’t find her. His happiest time is when Berenice finally pulls him up onto her lap and hugs him.Jarvis is Frankie’s older brother. He is a handsome man who loves Frankie but is ready to leave his family and begin his own life.Janice is Jarvis’s fiancà ©. She adores Frankie and gives the young girl confidence.Mr. Addams and Frankie used to be close, but she is growing up now and he feels that there must be greater emotional distance between the two of them. He is a product of his time and feels that the color of your skin matters greatly.T.T. Williams is a pastor at the church Berenice attends. He is a good friend to her and could possibly be more if Berenice were interested in getting married a fifth time.Honey Camden Brown is discontent with the racism he has to live within the South. He often runs into trouble with white men and police. He makes his living playing the trumpet. Other Small Roles Sis LauraHelen FletcherDorisMrs. WestBarney MacKean Production Notes The Member of the Wedding is not a minimalist show; the set, costumes, lighting needs and props for the play are substantial components that move the plot along. Set. The set is a stationary set. It must show a partial area of the house with a kitchen area and a portion of the family’s yard.Lighting. The play takes place over the course of several days, sometimes subtly changing from mid-day to evening in a single act. Lighting design needs to match the characters’ comments about the daylight and weather.Costumes. Another large consideration in producing this play is costumes. The costumes must be period specific to 1945 with several changes of clothes and underclothes for the main actors. Frankie must have a custom wedding outfit designed and made to the specifications of the script: â€Å"She [Frankie] enters the room dressed in an orange satin evening dress with silver shoes and stockings.†Frankie’s Hair. It is also important to note that the actress cast as Frankie must have short hair, be willing to cut her hair, or have access to a quality wig. The characters talk constantly about Frankie’s short hair. Sometime before the play begins, the character Frankie cut her hair short in the style of a boy’s in 1945 and it has yet to grow back. Background The Member of the Wedding is a theatricalized version of the book The Member of the Wedding written by author and playwright Carson McCullers. The book has three main sections, each devoted to a different growth period in which Frankie refers to herself as Frankie, F. Jasmine, and then finally, Frances. Available online is an audio version of the book read aloud. The play version has three acts that follow the main events of the book’s storyline and Frankie’s character arc, but in a less detailed fashion. The Member of Wedding was also made into a movie in 1952 starring Ethel Waters, Julie Harris, and Brandon De Wilde. Resources Productions rights to The Member of the Wedding are held by Dramatists Play Service, Inc.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
James Joyces Araby - Character, Structure and Style in...
Character, Structure and Style in Araby According to Hazel Edwards, â€Å"A good story writer needs to be a craftsman, for the construction is tighter than that required for most novels. Usually a short story concentrates on a few characters- rarely more than three major ones. The story revolves around a single, dramatic incident which typifies the characters’ reactions. Length varies from 1,000 to about 5,000 words.†With these characteristics in mind, then we are going to examine James Joyce’s short story Araby in terms of depiction of character, the story structure and the style. Araby was one of the short stories from James Joyce’s short story collection called Dubliners first published in 1907. As James Joyce was†¦show more content†¦This realistic setting of time and place enables the reader to identify with the characters of the story . Moreover the point of view used by James Joyce also enhances this authenticity. Araby was written from the â€Å"I’ point of view or what we call first person viewpoint . This enables the reader to identify more readily with the feelings of the major character. The â€Å"I’ in the story is not James Joyce himself but it is the â€Å"persona’ he assumed for telling the story . In this case he did not use the viewpoint of his own as an adult but the persona’ s view point as a child. For this story, the â€Å"I â€Å" viewpoint is deliberately chosen as this story is about a boy who secretly admired a girl living nearby. Without the omniscient viewpoint, reader can have no understanding of the girl’s impression or feelings about the boy. Readers only know what the boy thinks of the girl but not vice versa. In this way, the readers may find it more interesting as they can identify themselves more with the boy and it may help them to recall their own experience of admiring somebody secretly. James Joyce depicted the protagonist- the boy mainly through what he does, what he says,as well as, what he doesn’t do and say. The timid character of the boy which is shared by most secret admirers,Show MoreRelatedEssay on James Joyce1722 Words  | 7 Pages James Joyce nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;James Joyce, an Irish novelist and poet, grew up near Dublin. James Joyce is one of the most influential novelists of the 20th century. In each of his prose works he used symbols to experience what he called an quot;epiphanyquot;, the revelation of certain revealing qualities about himself. His early writings reveal individual moods and characters and the plight of Ireland and the Irish artist in the 1900s. Later works, reveal a man in all hisRead More James Joyces Ulysses - Balancing Information in Ithaca Essay3248 Words  | 13 PagesJames Joyces Ulysses - Balancing Information in Ithaca I hold this book [Ulysses] to be the most important expression which the present age has found; it is a book to which we are all indebted, and from which none of us can escape. T.S. Elliot In the midst of Ithaca, the climactic second to last episode of Ulysses, James Joyce provides the necessary information for calculating how much excrement, in pounds, is produced annually by the entire population of Ireland (p. 718). The typeRead MoreEssay on James Joyces Dubliners: Two Gallants2403 Words  | 10 Pagessixth short story in the Dubliners collection, James Joyce is especially careful and crafty in his opening paragraph. Even the most cursory of readings exposes repetition, alliteration, and a clear structure within just these nine lines. The question remains, though, as to what the beginning of Two Gallants contributes to the meaning and impact of Joyces work, both for the isolated story itself and for Dubliners as a whole. The construction, style, and word choice of this opening, in the contextRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 Pagessequence of interrelated events that constitute the basic narrative structure of a novel or a s hort story. Events of any kind, of course, inevitably involve people, and for this reason it is virtually impossible to discuss plot in isolation from character. Character and plot are, in fact, intimately and reciprocally related, especially in modern fiction. A major function of plot can be said to be the representation of characters in action, though as we will see the action involved can be internal
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Stefan’s Diaries Bloodlust Chapter 22 Free Essays
string(50) " want to say no to the Picards, whoever they are\." I straightened the cuffs on my neatly pressed white shirt and buttoned my overcoat. The shiny brass buttons glinted in the lamplight as I turned the corner onto Laurel Street. I wiped my face, to make sure no blood lingered on my lips. We will write a custom essay sample on Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 22 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Id visited my barmaid from Miladies, sating my hunger before my evening out on the town with Callie. The barmaids blood had tasted sweet, like lilies dipped in honey. The second the warmth had hit my tongue, my senses had become honed and the world had sharpened around the edges. Now the cicadas shrieked in my ears and the smell of roses assaulted my nose, but my stomach was calm and my veins were sated. I was ready for my date. The park at the end of the street was filled with magnolias and ancient elm trees, and in the center, a marble fountain was topped with a sculpture of a naked woman. Through the burble of the fountain, I could hear the beating of a human heart. â€Å"Hello?†I called. â€Å"Stefan!†Callie stepped out from behind a stone cherub into the weak light of a gas lamp. Her red hair, a flame in the flickering light, hung loose and curly around her shoulders. She wore a simple, cream-colored dress, with a lace bodice and a flouncy skirt that draped over her tiny hips. Blood raced through my body. â€Å"What?†Callie said, reddening as she noticed my stare. â€Å"You look, uh, like a girl,†I said. She looked beautiful. â€Å"Gee, thanks.†Callie rolled her eyes and softly slugged my shoulder. â€Å"Youre just used to seeing me in work clothes.†She gazed at me. â€Å"You look quite handsome.†I cleared my throat and tugged on my collar. Suddenly my clothes felt uncomfortable and constricting, and the night air stuffy. I wondered briefly if the barmaid had something in her blood that hadnt agreed with me. â€Å"Thank you,†I said formally. â€Å"Stefan?†Callie lifted her arm expectantly. â€Å"Oh, of course.†I took her arm in mine. Her freckled hand grazed my palm. I flinched and readjusted so that her hand was resting on the soft fabric of my jacket. â€Å"Where to, Miss Gallagher?†She looked up at me, a smile on her face. â€Å"Bourbon Street, of course.†Callie guided me through cobblestone side streets, where gardenias dripped from balconies. On a whim, I grabbed one and tucked it behind her ear. Back home in Mystic Falls, it was customary to bring flowers or a small token when visiting with a lady. â€Å"Want to know a secret?†Callie whispered. â€Å"What?†I asked, curious. I was already the bearer of too many secrets. But perhaps Callies could lead me to Damon She got up on tiptoe and cupped my ear with her hand. The sound of her blood pumping beneath her skin magnified tenfold. I gritted my teeth, forcing my fangs back down. â€Å"Your shirt has come untucked,†she whispered. â€Å"Oh,†I said, as I self-consciously smoothed down my shirt. â€Å"Thanks.†Callie let out a gleeful laugh. â€Å"You know what I really want to see?†she asked, grabbing my arm. â€Å"What?†I asked, trying to devote all my energy to not listening to the steady thrum of her blood. â€Å"A burlesque show. Madame X has a showeveryone’sbeen talking about,†she said. We walked together through the town, past bustling crowds and wavering street carts, ending up in a well-kept neighborhood in front of a pristine, stately house. A simple placard next to the door readMADAME Xin black script. Soft lamplight shone from all the windows, and carriages pulled up, one after another, to the front gate, releasing their well-dressed passengers into the depths of the club. I momentarily panicked. I didnt have any money. And I was wearing a schoolboys clothes that hadnt been in style since the turn of the century. â€Å"Callie, I think †I began, trying to come up with an alternate idea for our evening when the front door swung open to greet us. â€Å"Good evening. Are you guests of the house?†The mans eyes flicked down my old clothes. I was wildly underdressed for this venue, and I knew it. Callie, however, looked radiant. â€Å"Yes,†Callie jumped in, straightening her shoulders. â€Å"And your names?†From the way Callies lips flattened, I could tell she hadnt realized there was a guest list. I stepped in front of her, suddenly inspired. â€Å"Were the Picards. Remy and his wife, Calliope.†â€Å"One moment, sir.†The man waddled in his slippers over to a podium holding a list that almost certainly did not include Mr. Remy Picards name. He turned a page, then turned it back. â€Å"What are you doing, Stefan?†Callie whispered. â€Å"I have it under control,†I said quietly. â€Å"Just smile and look pretty.†The man returned, looking genuinely distressed. â€Å"Im terribly sorry, sir, but your name is not on our list for tonight.†He glanced around, as if ready to beckon a security guard if we made trouble. I want you to let us in without asking us any more questions, I thought, channeling all my energy. â€Å"Wed really like to come in,†I said aloud, concentrating on looking deep into his eyes, ignoring Callies curious gaze boring into my back. â€Å"Are you sure you didnt see our names on the list?†The mans eyes flickered. Let us in without looking at the list. â€Å"You know, I believe Imighthave seen your names. In fact, Im sure I did. The Picards! Im sorry. It was my confusion. Right this way,†he said, a slightly vacant expression on his face. He led us through large double doors and into a sumptuous parlor. Low crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and the air smelled of jasmine, magnolia, and freesia. â€Å"Enjoy your stay at Madame Xs. And if I can be of any assistance to either of you, dont hesitate to come fetch me,†the man said, turning on his heel. â€Å"Thank you,†I said. Callie simply stood there, looking slack-jawed at me. â€Å"How did you do that?†I shrugged. â€Å"I just made him doubt himself. He wouldnt want to say no to the Picards, whoever they are. You read "Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 22" in category "Essay examples" Besides, what if our nameswereon the list, and he said no to us, then we complained to the owner?†Secretly, I was thrilled. My Power was strengthening. â€Å"So I take it that this isnt your first time sneaking in where you dont belong?†I glanced at her slyly. â€Å"You of all people should know that to be true.†She laughed, and I gave her an impromptu twirl. People stared at us. Even though a pianist was playing a jaunty tune in the corner, this wasnt a room where people danced. Instead, guests drifted from one conversation to the next as they sucked on cigars and gulped down champagne. â€Å"Do you know anyone here?†I asked as we brushed past couple after couple, all clad in finery. Callie shrugged, the shadow of a frown crossing her face. She glanced around the room. â€Å"They all hate Father. They say hes a Unionist whos taking advantage of New Orleans with his business. And perhaps he is, but at least his show doesnt pretend to be something its not,†she said, jutting her chin. I shifted in my seat. Wasnt that exactly what I was doing? Pretending to be someone I wasnt? I couldnt look at her, in case she could see the depths of my lies in my eyes. A server came by with a tray laden with champagne. I grabbed two glasses. â€Å"Cheers,†I said, handing one to Callie. As we sipped the bubbling liquid, conversations swirled around us, growing louder and more boisterous with every tray of drinks the waiters brought out to serve. Mens movements grew more languid, women laughed more readily. â€Å"Is your father ready for the next show?†I asked, forcing a conversational note to my voice. â€Å"I suppose so.†â€Å"Who will the vampire be fighting?†â€Å"I dont know,†Callie said. â€Å"A crocodile, or maybe a tiger. It depends on what Father can get on such short notice. Why?†I shrugged noncommittally. â€Å"I want to place a bet.†â€Å"Father wants something cheap. Hes worried people wont pony up as much money for another animal fight. It seems the monsters much stronger than a beast.†â€Å"Oh,†I said, trying to process the information. â€Å"But lets not talk about work. Tonight is supposed to be fun! Lord knows we dont have enough of it in our real lives.†Callies voice grew melancholy. â€Å"Speaking of fun,†she said, pointing to a small crowd moving through a set of double doors at the back of the club, â€Å"I think the burlesque show is back there.†â€Å"Shall we?†I asked, offering my arm. The back room, much smaller than the first one, had numerous wooden tables crammed onto the floor. A stage was set up at the front of the room, and the space was dimly lit by candles. Instead of joining the crush toward the front, Callie and I sat back on a low-slung, red velvet bench beneath a large mirror in the back of the room. As soon as everyone settled into seats, a master of ceremonies took to the stage. I was surprised to see that he was a man wearing a dinner suit and cape. Id imagined a burlesque show to be louder, larger than this, with plenty of music and scantily clad women. â€Å"Good evening! As weve all heard, we have a vampire in our midst,†he said dramatically. Audience members tittered nervously. I glanced at Callie out of the corner of my eye. Was this some sort of trap? Did she know what I was? But Callie was leaning forward, as if mesmerized by the mans words. The master of ceremonies smiled, drinking in the suspense. â€Å"Yes, a vampire. Down at that two-bit circus by the lake.†Jeers filled the room. Callie hadnt been exaggerating when shed said her father was infamous in this town. I turned to look at her. Although her cheeks were as red as her hair, she gazed straight ahead, her elbows on her knees. â€Å"And eyewitnesses say Gallagher had to chain his up so it wont run away. But, here at Madame Xs, our vampire has come to visit all on his own.†â€Å"We can go if you want,†I whispered. But Callie shook her head and clasped my hand. It felt warm against my cool skin, but this time I didnt push her away. â€Å"No, I want to stay.†A thin man walked onstage, clad in a black cape. His face was powdered, and thin lines of fake blood were drawn from the corners of his lips. He smiled at the crowd, revealing fake fangs. I shifted in my seat. â€Å"I am a vampire, and you all are my prey! Come to me, my pretties!†he cackled, in an exaggerated voice that made me squirm. The â€Å"vampire†stalked around the stage, his teeth bared and his eyes scanning the audience. A woman in a pearl-embroidered gown stood up from a table in the front and walked toward the stage as if in a trance, emitting a low moan with each step. â€Å"The vampire has special eyes that can see through clothing. And this vampire, ladies and gentlemen, likes what he sees!†The master of ceremonies leered at the audience. At this, the audience applauded enthusiastically. I glanced at Callie again. Had she known this was a show about vampires? â€Å"But, now, the vampire has his hunger awakened. And what hell do to feed the hunger, you wont believe,†the master of ceremonies said as the vampire onstage waved his hands toward the woman, as if conducting an orchestra. As he did that, a trumpet player began playing a slow, mournful tune. The woman began to move her hips, slowly at first, and then more and more quickly until she looked as though she would topple over. â€Å"Maybe Father should give our vampire dance lessons,†Callie whispered, her breath hot on my cheek. Then, suddenly, the vampire stopped waving his arms. The music stopped, and so did the woman. The vampire lurched toward her, took hold of the sleeve of her dress, and tore it off, exposing her milky-white arm. â€Å"Do you feel wicked tonight?†the vampire called to the audience, waggling the fabric toward the crowd. Then he tore off the other sleeve. My stomach turned. â€Å"I ask you, do you feel wicked tonight?†he called again, tossing the fabric into the audience. The crowd cheered as the dancer continued her gyrations, rubbing her back against the â€Å"vampire.†Slowly, she peeled away her clothing, item by item, sending a silk stocking or a slip into the audience until most of her body was on display. As the music picked up speed, she got closer to becoming entirely nude. At last, she sat in a chair on the stage as the master of ceremonies pulled off the last bit of her top, forcing her to cover herself with her hands. â€Å"As he is a beast from hell, the only way to stop a vampire is with a stake to the heart. But they can also be kept away with a crucifix â€Å" At this, the dancer pantomimed a futile search for pockets that might contain a stake or crucifix. I slumped in my chair, thinking of my own attacks. Of Alice, of Lavinia, of the nurse whose name Id never known. There was nothing beautiful or romantic about those attacks. They were quick, bloody, deadly. Id ended their lives without a second thought, with swift violence and a thirst for more. â€Å"Are you okay?†Callie asked. For the first time, I realized how tightly Id been clutching her hand. I loosened my grip, and instantly she snuggled closer to me in my seat. Her blood pumped like sweet music through her body, and the warmth of her body soothed my anger. I relaxed into her, taking in the softness of her voice as she laughed at the play. Callie was warm and soft and so veryalive. I wanted this moment to freeze, to last into eternity, with nothing but me and Callie and her beating heart. There was nothing else I needed in that moment, not blood, not power, not D– My body tensed and I sat straight up. What was I doing? Had I forgotten my brother, what I had done to him, so quickly? I stood up. â€Å"Down in front!†a voice barked a few rows behind me. â€Å"I-Im sorry. I have to go,†I said, stumbling toward the door. â€Å"Stefan, wait!†she called. But I kept going until I was on the street, running from the late-night bustle all the way to the riverbank. As I stared down at my reflection in the swirling water, Percys words echoed in my head: â€Å"Youll either want to kill her or kiss her, and neither scenario will end well for you.†He was right. Because while I truly didnt know whether I wanted to kiss or bite Callie, I knew I wantedher. How to cite Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Chapter 22, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
It was after my sophomore football season that I r Essays
It was after my sophomore football season that I realized that I wanted to play college football. I immediately got really excited after receiving a recruiting questionnaire from Benedictine, even though I didn't know anything about them. The summer of my junior year I thought that it would be a good idea to attend some college football camps to get better and to try and put myself out there and get noticed. I went to Emporia State's showcase camp and Butler's camp. I thought that I may have stood out and caught the coaches eye, when I was at the Butler camp. I then had a pretty good junior football season and was hoping that some colleges would be after me. I filled out Butler's online football questionnaire and later heard back from them, as they sent me a bunch of letters in the mail and one of the coaches texted me a few times. Butler was really the only school that I had a desire to go to because I felt as if I knew so much about them. My mother works there and my brother played basketball there. Also, I had really enjoyed going to their camps the past two years and I loved what they taught. Growing up, my mother would take me to Butler football games and then about midseaso my senior year I was invited to a game, where I got to go on the sideline as a recruit and talk to the coaches. I thought that this was a big deal and that they were for sure looking at me and recruiting me, but unfortunately, I don't think they were interested in me and I don't even think the coaches knew who I was. Towards the end of my senior football season, a new rule was passed in the Kansas Jayhawk Conference, that stated that there would no longer be an out of state limit for football scholarships. I didn't think much of it until I realized that none of the Kansas JUCOs were interested in me, despite me e-mailing every single one of them and filling out their questionnaires. I wasn't sure what to do after this, I had received some interest from some smaller NAIA schools like Ta bor, Sterling, Ottawa, MNU, and Benedictine, but I just couldn't see myself going to any of those schools and I knew that I wouldn't be satisfied with going to an NAIA. Also, going to an NAIA is very expensive and I wasn't sure if I had the funds to go there. I then saw that Hutchinson Community College was holding an open combine tryout in late April. I knew that last year that held one of those tryouts and that they got like five or six guys, who performed well on their team because of it. So I decided to take my chances and sign up for it. After I signed up for the tryout, I had the day of the tryout in my mind, every single day, as motivation. I knew that I would have to train very hard in order to stand out and put up good combine numbers. I wanted to make sure that I would perform well and earn myself a scholarship so I decided to try and find some help in order to train for the combine tryout. I searched the internet and stumbled across this place called the Wichita Parisi. T hey had a combine prep special for $300. I decided to take the risk and try and get signed up for it. I went down to there place, which is about a 20-30 minute drive, depending on the traffic, to get signed up and evaluated. I ended up talking to the owner there for about 30 minutes. I ended up signing up for a 3 month membership, which I paid $507 of my own money. I did this because the owner told me that even if I did make the team at Hutch, I would still need to put in work to become a better athlete, and if I didn't make the team at Hutch, he said that he could help me out and find me a place to play.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
This property is condemned
This property is condemned Introduction The film This property is condemned†(1966) is a movie that was filmed in Mississippi, America. The movie represents a thirteen-year-old girl called Willie Starr who has been deserted by her parents. Willie recounts for a lad named Tom the sad story of her sister, Star, who took care of her until Alva’s untimely death from lung cancer. From her story, it comes out clear that Willie idolizes Alva and wants to imitate her.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on This property is condemned specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Unfortunately, since Alva was a prostitute in her mother’s brothel for railway men, Willie naively but firmly believes that the kind of life Alva led is the only true glamorous existence for any lady. Consequently, there is little doubt at the movie’s end that Willie is condemned to assume her sister’s sordid way of life. Lessons to be learned There is more than o ne lesson that can be derived from this film, the first one being that a child emulates the behavior, whether positive or negative, of the older individual around him or her. This can be shown by Willie, who watches Alva’a flirting behaviors and ends up following the same path as Alva is revealed in her conversation with Tom, in which Willie admits to stripping for one Frank Waters and dating five men with responsible jobs (Erskine, Welsh and Tibbetts 353). The endorsement of Alva’s behavior by her mother seems to have also played a big role in Willie’s adoption of the same behaviors. This can be explained when Willie’s mother encourages her daughter Alva to go out with an older man with the aim of fully satisfying their customers. Being a family business, perhaps Willie also picked up the same behaviors believing that they were good for their business. The other lesson is the importance of a complete family in relation to the bringing up of a stable fam ily. Alva’s father had run away when she was a child leaving her mother with the responsibility of looking after the family. Growing up without a father figure could have also greatly contributed to her irresponsible character traits. For as little as a few chocolates and jewels, Alva allows herself to be an object of entertainment for the railway workers. Also, following Alva’s death, Willie becomes a street urchin in her own home as she rummages through garbage for food. The absence of the guidance and love of a father and mother in Alva’s and Willie’s seems to have resulted in the two leaving such irresponsible lives. In any case, the mother is depicted as being unfit to raise her children when she encourages her daughter to sleep with men just to keep them coming back to their bar. Alva’s character traits On examination of Alva’s character, several character traits can be observed. One trait that is clearly displayed is that Alva is a s ly character. This can be seen in the examination of her relationships with those around her. Her manipulative mother is portrayed as encouraging her to marry the wealthy Mr. Johnson but she does not seem to like this arrangement and ends marrying her mother’s lover, JJ, out of spite. Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The story gets interesting when she steals JJ’s valuables and their marriage certificate on the following morning and escapes to New Orleans where her boyfriend Owen lives. Alva’s mother feels betrayed by her marriage to JJ and the day when both Alva and Owen come home provides her with the opportunity to expose the marriage to Owen. Feeling that it she has no way of getting out of the sticky situation, she runs out of the house into the rain and cries out of despair. The other trait that can be associated with Alva is that of mat erialism. Alva is materialistic in that she is ready to engage in any act for small material things such as chocolates and jewels. Point of view The storyline is from Willie’s perspective as she narrates about her family to a boy named Tom, who she had met at the railway tracks (Heintzelman and Howard 304). As she narrates the, it appears that the main focus of her story is on her sister Alva, who by then is deceased. The narration of the story makes some difference in the way the viewers perceive the whole story as it makes them observe the movie from Willie’s perspective. Viewing and listening to the story from one of the character’s point of view makes the audience connect more with the story that if it were to be told by an individual who is not part of the characters. Conclusion This property is condemned†is Willie’s way of explaining her life to the world. In the story, she explains how much she adores her deceased sister from who she has le arned a lot and wants to emulate. However, as she narrates the story Willie seems to notice the problems this lifestyle has put her through and this is well shown at the movie’s end when she admits to Tom that she indeed lives in a condemned house. Erskine, Thomas, Welsh, James and Tibbetts, John. Video versions: film adaptations of plays on video. West Port, CT: Greenwood publishing Group, 2000. Heintzelman, Greta and Howard, Alycia Smith. Critical companion to Tennessee Williams. New York: Inforbase Publishing, 2005.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on This property is condemned specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
5 MORE safety tips when searching for jobs online
5 MORE safety tips when searching for jobs online Work opportunities available to skilled and hardworking professionals have evolved substantially in recent years. Current job opportunities are commonly found through search engines, social networking platforms, and job sites. However, while there are many legitimate opportunities available online, there are also plenty of scams that can result in considerable stress and financial loss for unsuspecting individuals. There are multiple steps that you can take if you are preparing to look for a job online. For example, you can and should stay current about the latest scams so that you know what to watch for. You also should ensure that any websites that you use to look for jobs are trusted. We’ve covered some of the basics before. Here are 5 more safety tips you should use for your job search.Update your device protectionYour electronic devices understandably may already have anti-virus software protection, but this technology is updated regularly to combat the latest malware, sp yware and more. Spend a few minutes ensuring that the most updated version of this type of program is installed onto your device before you begin your search. Specifically, it should include protection against phishing, malware, viruses, and spyware.You should be aware of other ways that criminals attempt to enter a vulnerable space. For example, some of the social media and hiring apps that legitimate recruiters use could actually contain a virus or other dangers. So before downloading that app, do your research; check reviews, or ask a friend. It only takes a few minutes to ensure your privacy is safe.You also be wary of how you connect to the Internet. A public Wi-Fi connection makes it much easier for others to monitor your activities, and they can even intercept documents and vital information that you are sharing with a recruiter.Avoid passing along private information onlineYou may be aware that legitimate websites, such as your preferred bank, ask you for sensitive inf ormation. This includes your mother’s maiden name, your Social Security number, your credit card or bank account numbers and more. Be aware that a legitimate employer will not require you to submit this sensitive information digitally. These are vital pieces of information that criminals can use to hack into all of your other accounts.You should always be observant about the information that you share and who you share it with. Some information, such as your Social Security number, may legitimately be required after you are hired, but it should not be requested before this point.If it sounds too good to be true†¦it probably isOnline scams are becoming increasingly difficult to spot, but many job descriptions may set off an internal alarm. The reality is that better-paying jobs require you to bring skills or experience to the table. If you are being offered a high-paying job with no skills or experience required, this is likely a scam. Understand what some of the more not able scams are, such as being offered a very large sum of money to complete a menial task like stuffing envelopes.Other scams require you to purchase items out-of-pocket. This could even be something seemingly acceptable, such as a software program that the employer says is needed for the job. No employer will ask you to pay for software in order to apply for the job. Some scammers go so far as to require you to deposit large checks on their behalf. These are signs of a scam, and you should walk away from these perceived opportunities.Watch out for unsolicited offers of employmentYou may be filled with a momentary sense of pride and accomplishment when you receive an email with a job offer out of the blue. However, there is a solid chance that you were not the only one who received this offer. Many scammers send out huge email campaigns with an amazing job offer that appears to be specifically designed for you. These emails may come from popular domains, such as Yahoo, Gmail or Hotm ail.In many cases, the email instructs you to click a link for more information. Understand that this is a huge red flag. Any time you feel uncomfortable or suspicious, follow your intuition by deleting the email and forgetting about the â€Å"offer†. You’ll get plenty of legitimate opportunities!Ask yourself if it makes senseAt first glance, you may be excited about an amazing job offer that you have stumbled upon or that has been directed specifically to your email address. If you do decide to proceed with looking into the offer more closely, proceed cautiously. Rather than clicking a link, you can research the company independently and see what pops up. It’s not enough that they have a website, since registering a domain is relatively easy, make sure the content of the site has some substance. You’ll find that scam websites are often devoid of anything meaningful.If you’re still unsure call the company directly, if the contact information is not listed on the website then you have your answer. Just avoid providing any personal information or clicking links.Finding jobs online is the new normal, so taking the extra steps for safety should become second nature. When you follow these tips, you can guarantee your information will be safe and you’ll have greater access to finding an opportunity fit for you.About the Author:Joe Peters is a Baltimore-based freelance writer and an ultimate tech enthusiast. When he is not working his magic as a marketing consultant, this incurable tech junkie enjoys reading about latest apps and gadgets and binge-watching his favorite TV shows. You can reach him @bmorepeters
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Theodore McKenzie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Theodore McKenzie - Essay Example His shirt, damp from the humidity, outlining his lean built and his broad shoulders, bonded tightly onto his skin. Like tiny crown jewels, droplets of sweat constellated on top of his straight yellow hair - comparable to the colour of the corn kernels. In fact, Theodore remembered other boys referred to him as a corn child, not to mock him or anything - except that he stood out among the rest of the children whose skins were less pallid and whose hair was as dark as burnt wood. Theodore, when he was a child, on his way home from school, used to pass along the tiny path in the middle of the cornfields. Cornfield farmers usually allotted space in between rows of corn so that it would be easy for them to cut grass and weeds that 'affect growth of maize' at least that was how Simeon, an ageing lanky tenant who lives in a shack near the foot of the mountains, explained it. Simeon's wife used to beat him up with corn stem every time he comes home drunk after swigging a jar of coconut wine concocted by the residents in the valley. Theodore remembered the paths to be always free of weeds and he thanked Simeon and the farm workers for that. The brownish soil formed mounds and crests just like those of waves, and when it rained - as it always rained - water cruised along the paths, and the soil glued firmly on his shoes, like sticky rice cake fixed on one's tooth - elevating his black leather boots a few centimeters more. Theodore could not bear walking like that an d he would often take his boots off and walk barefoot towards home. Although sometimes, the blades of corn leaves protruding towards the path and towards him, would cut gently through his skin as a knife with a jagged edge would cut a pinnate leaf, leaving linear marks on his arms. When he was a boy, Theodore recalled going home one day after school, passing through the fields, towards the end of the vast plantation where a lone Baroque-inspired mansion formidably stood. His house was the only structure that could be seen from afar - even if it was viewed from the hills or from the mountains or tens of kilometers away. Its red brick roof looked like a red piece of cloth on a yellow floor during that time of the year, as the plants were almost ready for harvest. The corn's golden kernels still sparkled under the setting sun casting a red glittery reflection on each bead. Almost everyday on his way home, as he approached his house, Theodore would always hear his mother playing music, humming a tune or fingering Wagner on the piano. He didn't know Wagner nor liked his music but his mother manipulated her favorite musical instrument with passion, a kind of ardor, which Theodore had never seen in someone else's fingers or behavior. Today was a strange day though. On his way towards the door, Theodore didn't hear the piano nor hear his mother humming a tune. Instead he heard his father's voice. It was shaky but apparently angry. "What do you mean you don't know where she went" his father was interrogating Teresa, one of the housekeepers. " She is gone Senor Leopold. I looked everywhere. She was not in her room either." "Are you sure you looked in the neighborhood for her" From the doorway, Theodore saw his father's anxious face, his brows creased and his lips parted and shaking like a leaf hanging onto a stem. "We have looked everywhere and we saw one of the suitcases" His father swiftly interrupted the young maid. " She wouldn't do that!
Sunday, February 2, 2020
The consumption of ice cream increases, so do the instances of Essay
The consumption of ice cream increases, so do the instances of drowning - Essay Example Ice-cream consumption (first variable) and the incidence of drowning (second variable) may show a positive correlation, but the consumption does not cause the incidence. This may be common sense, but this simple example demonstrates the issue of spurious correlation being taken as evidence for implying causality. In Correlation Theory, the coefficient of correlation simply measures the ‘goodness of fit’ of sample of the data for the two variables i.e. how well they correlate together. It â€Å"does not necessarily indicate a direct dependence of the variables†(Spiegel, M). â€Å"The problem of interpretation is always very much more difficult to deal with than the statistical manipulations, and for this side of the work there is no substitute for detailed practical acquaintance with every aspect of the problem.†(Moroney, M) Conclusions based on the correlation findings are only good as the interpretative ability of the analyst and his or her acquaintance with every detail or aspect of the problem. The possibility of other variables affecting the ones being compared should always be considered to account for the relationship being tested if there is any inkling of a spurious correlation. In our example, a third variable of temperature relates to both the existing variables of ice-cream consumption and instances of drowning and better explains the phenomenon. More ice-cream is consumed in hot weather especially during the summer heat. This tendency to consume more during hot weather is understandable my most people, and can easily be ascertained by examining the sales figures of ice-cream parlours. These are well known to show seasonal fluctuations being higher in summer and lower in winter. As for drowning, this too can be explained as being a more common occurrence in summer simply because more people like to and do spend more time either in or near water. This can be near lakes, rivers, seasides, and
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Déjàvu and the Brain :: Biology Essays Research Papers
UGH! I Just Got the Creepiest Feeling That I Have Been Here Before: Dà ©jà vu and the Brain, Consciousness and Self We have all some experience of a feeling, that comes over us occasionally,, of what we are saying and doing having been said and done before, in a remote time - of our having been surrounded, dim ages ago, by the same faces, objects, and circumstances - of our knowing perfectly what will be said next, as if we suddenly remember it! (Dickens in David Copperfield - chapter 39 (1)) It happens to me and it has probably happened to you. It is sudden and fleeting, leaving as unexpectedly as it came. While the experience is striking in its clarity and detail, it is difficult to recapture or recount. Generally, it is left unexplained and is described in a vague sense, often simply as, "Wow, I just got the strangest dà ©jà vu." Because it is so difficult to research and seems to have no deleterious effects on daily and long-term nervous system function, dà ©jà vu has been left largely to the wayside of neurobiological investigation. In all of its ambiguity, dà ©jà vu is still a perplexing phenomenon that has not yet been fully explained. The value of truly understanding the source of dà ©jà vu and its circuitry is in uncovering one of the many keys to the role of the conscious self in the functioning of the brain. What is dà ©jà vu and how does it work? Dà ©jà vu is considered a common phenomenon. Surveys show that about one third of the population has had the most common form of dà ©jà vu sensations (1). Due to the subjective and often indescribable nature of the associated feelings, it has been difficult, to determine who is actually experiencing dà ©jà vu. In general, however, dà ©jà vu is "any number of hard-to-explain sometimes upsetting occurrences of unexpected recognition, in which the person involved has trouble identifying an antecedent for the events and/or places which seem so strangely and intensely familiar (1)." Dà ©jà vu has been defined as "familiarity without awareness (13)." While the situational cues of a dà ©jà vu are familiar, there is a definite lack of awareness about the specific source of the memory. Arthur Funkhouser (1) defines three types of dà ©jà vu in an attempt to more clearly delineate between associated, but different, neurological experiences. These are dà ©jà vecu (already experienced), dà ©jà senti (already felt) and dà ©jà visità © (already visited).
Friday, January 17, 2020
Portrayal of Female Harassment Issues in TV Dramas Essay
The values of gender equality are promoted among all countries all over the world. Women have become more economically strong and independent even in South Asian region. Media has played a vital role in molding the opinions and providing a sigh of relief to the suppressed women folk. The relationship of women and media is very important as media transforms the real picture of women and their core issues in front of the public through its programs and TV dramas. Media broadcasts important messages on women harassment issues, domestic violence, gender bias, stories of mental torture and gender norms through various TV dramas, talk shows and magazine shows. Keywords: Domestic violence, mental torture, gender harassment, faith, religious strength, patience, tolerance. Introduction Pakistani media has become very liberal, moderate and independent since 2001. Media has played a vital role in molding the opinions of the people and providing a sigh of relief to suppressed women of our society. The relationship between woman and media is very important as media presents the real picture of women issues among of the public. Pakistani media is growing with 60 private TV networks and 12 FM radio channels. Media transmits women domestic harassment, violence, mental torture, rape cases through talk shows and TV dramas. Our TV channels represent all cultural and social bindings of women so the audience can digest them without criticism. In some TV dramas, the Islamic values and trends are also projected. Mostly Pakistani dramas are centered especially on ‘women’ shown as mothers, sisters and wives. Women are critical to almost each and every story. Majority of Pakistani dramas today are a strange mix of growth and regress while some serials do carry a liberal, progressive and gender-sensitive messages. Most of them strengthen the patriarchal values and criticize orthodoxy in the same stride. It is very difficult for the general public to understand the conflicting messages behind several storylines in the modern-day drama. Working women are depicted as strong and independent but also negatively is portrayed by their cunning and vampire-like nature. Women are shown being maltreated by men i. e. slapped, beaten up, humiliated, abused and conversely, men are depicted as the exclusive decision-makers who simply order the women in their lives around, telling them what to do or what not to do. One point is extremely worrying about such scenes depicting male dominance and male chauvinism as they invoke similar negative behavior especially among males in the general public. The ordinary man or woman becomes subject to this reinforcement of stereotypical images of women and adapts and accepts these stereotypes as normal and natural. Honour is depicted often in highly distorted contexts. A brother’s or father’s reaction when a sister or daughter is suspected of immorality is portrayed in such a manner that the crime is glorified and the victim condemned. Very rarely, do these serials convey the idea that ‘honour’ does not have a physical manifestation and is purely related to a person’s character. Honour can never be taken away by the use of force. Overly negative emotions attached to having a daughter-in-law. Words and phrases constantly refer to the presence of a daughter-in-law as an individual who will take far away son from his parents. The expressions of insecurity is attached with parents as they do not want to lose their boy after getting married neither they want to allow him being very close to his wife. Connected to this patriarchal approach is the issue of a divorced woman. The blame is placed squarely on the woman for not being able to keep her marriage intact or her husband happy. A woman who asks for a divorce is portrayed as committing an unpardonable act. In some cases, divorced is given by husbands on suspect of shaky character of women at family level. In Pakistan even today, young girls are forcefully married to old men under the tradition of ‘Family Marriages/Vani’. Sometimes girls are married with old men as their brothers or father has killed someone in bridegroom’s family due to enmity i. e. Fata, North Waziristan, South Waziristan. The top most watched TV channel is GEO TV Network owned by Jang Group of Publications and was launched in 2002. Geo TV is news based and an entertainment channel. Rationale The present paper will highlight the relationship between gender and media with reference of Pakistani TV Drama Serial titled as â€Å"Meri Zaat Zarra-e-Benishan†that went on air on GEO TV in 2009. The rationale of carrying out this research on this play is as follows: Domestic (married) woman portrayal in media? How religion can be used for woman harassment in domestic affairs and consequences? How human relationships can be disturbed by telling lies, taking fake oaths on Holy Books and putting allegations on innocent people? Sometimes woman fights against many strange persons and situations to safe her martial life or relationship besides having feelings of self-pity and self-assassination. What are the reasons behind it? Domestic violence on women Pakistan is counted among those countries that falls in the headlines due to domestic and gender-based harassment issues. The ratio of sexual harassment victims is alarmingly getting high in Pakistan. Domestic violence is physical, sexual, psychological or financial violence that takes place within an intimate relationship and forms a pattern of coercive and controlling behavior. This can include ‘forced marriage’ and ‘honour crimes’. * Pakistan is an Islamic state where 70 percent girls are forced to get married on their parent’s choice in rural and urban areas and choice marriages are still rare due to prevailing feudal culture of the society. Culturally and ethically, women are bound to pass their lives as per their husbands will and under his supremacy and authority. * Divorce in any case is not tolerable even in well-educated and sophisticated families and a divorce woman cannot pass a ‘stable’ life ahead. Choice marriages (boy/girl) are considered as a severe crime. * Repression of women continues even after marriage at the hands of husbands or in-laws. The worst form of married woman’s conflict is with her mother-in-law. In most of the divorce cases, mother-in-law or sister-in-law have played a primary role. * The husband or any close relative from the family can show doubts on woman’s character/ extra-marital affair. In some cases, husbands are found killing or divorcing t heir wives on these issues. Concept of Oath-taking on Holy Book Religious aspect is also very important in our society. Sometimes, woman has to justify herself in front of the whole family by taking an oath on ‘Quran’ which is considered as giving decision of conflict in Allah’s Almighty’ s hand. This custom is called as â€Å"Quran Uthana†in our society commonly practiced in four provinces of Pakistan. If the oath is completely based on truth, it will save her life forever but if the oath taken on Quran will be on false statement; the situation will be vice verse. I will mention a saying of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) â€Å"Do not be aggressive towards a person who has nobody to defend against you except Allah†. Never take a false oath by Allah as a witness keeping hand on Quran, as it is one of the major sins in Islam. Do not make your oaths a means of deceiving one another or your foot will slip after it was firmly placed and you will taste evil for barring access to the way of Allah and you will have a terrible punishment. (Quran: Nahl, 16:92) Those who sell Allah’s contract and their own oaths for a paltry price, such people will have no portion in the next world, and on the ray of rising Allah will not speak to them or look at them or purify them. They will have a painful punishment. (Quran: Al Imran, 3:77) Methodology: This study is an attempt to examine the relationship between gender and media as well as media dependency on religious norms of the society. It focuses on the female gender harassment at domestic level by giving religious justifications. This issue has been depicted brilliantly in one of the Pakistani TV drama serials â€Å"Meri Zaat Zara-e-Benishan†in 2009-2010. For a purposeful study, this play, its dialogues, scenes, characterization, religious aspects, impact on female viewers has been studied and deeply reviewed by the researcher under the methodology of content analysis and survey.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Article Review Is Google Making Us Stupid - 1250 Words
What effect does modern digital technology have on individuals who rely on it heavily in their everyday lives? Innovations such as video games, internet search engines, and online databases receive great praise as well as great criticism depending on who answers this question. Nicholas Carr and Steven Johnson have both written pieces stating their opinions on technology’s effect on the human brain. Carr’s article â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†explains how accessing information quickly and easily through search engines like Google negatively alters the way people seek and read information and think. Johnson’s book â€Å"Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter†covers the positive attributes of digital technology, video games in particular. He explains how video games are intellectually stimulating and help develop complex skills. Digital technology has interesting effects on the different processes of our mind. In the days before computers and the internet, research for occupational and personal purposes was mostly done in a library. Libraries house thousands of books and articles filled with information about any topic imaginable. But even with aisles labelled by genre and organized with the Dewey Decimal System, it would take someone anywhere from several hours to several days to find the specific information they needed. While public libraries are still available for people to use today, many prefer the speed and efficiency ofShow MoreRelatedArticle Review : Is Google Making Us Stupid By Nicholas Carr880 Words  | 4 Pagesthings, most of the time, it is more for entertainment. It is because of this that people claim that technology is changing the way people think today. In his article â€Å"Is Google making us stupid†, Nicholas Carr argues that people have become dependent upon the internet for information rather than having to work to figure it out. In the article â€Å"Does texting effect writing†, Michaela Cullington argues that people’s texting is effecting the way people write because people don’t show emotion when textingRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?1040 Words  | 5 Pagesquestion â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†This has set off a debate on the effects the internet is having on our brains. Obviously the internet is here to stay, but is it making us scatterbrained? Are we losing the ability to think deeply? Criticism of the Web most often questions whether we are becoming more superficial and scattered in our thinking. In the July-August 2008 Atlantic magazine, Nicholas Carr published Is Google Making Us Stupid? ( Like otherRead MoreGoogle Makes People Smarter?1723 Words  | 7 PagesGoogle Makes People Smarter People are adapting, and changing their approach of how they seek knowledge: From hours, and hours of researching in the library to find information, to a five-second research on the internet with a click of a button? In an ever-changing world, humans are evolving with the ease of technology. The google search engine allows the users to search anything with the tip of their fingers. The World Wide Web has billions of website with information. People can search anythingRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?920 Words  | 4 Pagesexpressed, it seems we are falling for the falsely defined characteristics of the internet. We can either let the unreliable reviews take our attention away from the internet or let it contribute to the way we learn. While the false reports haven’t had much negative effects on usage, Nicholas Carr offers a different perspective than that of Manuel Castells. In â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†Carr believes the Internet has taken the foundation out of learning, socializing and reading. Coupled with Manuel CastellsRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid? Essay1400 Words  | 6 PagesIs Google Making Us Stupid? Is an article that exemplifies rhetoric expertise. The writer of the article, Nicholas Carr, is well known for his writing regarding the tech industry. Before understanding the author’s approach, the reader must understand the author’s background. What authority do they have to write about this subject? In this case, I’ll deliver my own knowledge of his background. Carr is a scholar writer who has written for the Harvard Business Review, various essays covering techRead More`` Is Google Making Us Stupid?1505 Words  | 7 Pagesthat technology is indeed changing the way we think. Among the members contributing to this conversation, two strikingly different outlooks on how these changes will affect the future exist. Either we should be terrified, or worrying is premature. Articles written by experts specializing in psychology and the brain, such as Pinker’s â€Å"Mind Over Mass Media,†as well as How Has the Internet Reshaped Human Cognition? by Kee and Loh, as well as and finally â€Å"Children, Wired- for Better and for Worse†byRead MorePositive And Negative Effects Of Technology1600 Words  | 7 Pagesindividuals are against technology and its incorporation in society. In her 2017 article, Technology in the Classroom Is Gateway to a Brighter Future Ann Woo spoke about how with technology â€Å"teachers are able to cater to specific learning styles, engage students both in and out of the classroom, and encourage an increased level of student involvement and collaboration.†This is an extremely important part of education, making sure that each individual student is catered to and is able to understand educationRead MoreThe Impact Of Technological Innervation On The Way People Act And Think On A Daily Basis876 Words  | 4 PagesNich olas Carr, a technology, culture and economics writer, examines the impact technological innervation has on the way people act and think on a daily basis. His recent difficulties concentrating while reading books and lengthy articles has led him to believe that his time spent online may be contributing to his lacking concentration and contemplation skills. By prefacing his argument with anecdotes from his friends and acquaintances, he is convinced that a new type of reading and interpreting isRead MoreNegative Effects Of Technology On The Brain Essay1465 Words  | 6 Pagesusage within many ways and has caused successful changes in a person’s lively routine. However, technology has evolved since the very beginning which concern has grown over the negative effects of its excessive use. Nicholas Carr’s article â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid†addresses the tendency of technology to create a sort of mental laziness where people look for instant answers rather t han thinking for themselves. Daphne Bavelier, C. Shawn Green, and Matthew W.G. Dye have written in â€Å"Children, Wired:Read MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society1473 Words  | 6 Pagesways people may never be able to comprehend. Technology will always be the epitome of human intelligence and it is this fact that should allow us to not only understand that technology is not dangerous to us but that technology should enable the human race to take part in the furthering of humanity s evolution in intelligence. Take Google for instance. Google allows people to search the internet in a matter of seconds instead of going to the local library and spending the entire day looking for that
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