Saturday, January 25, 2020
Déjàvu and the Brain :: Biology Essays Research Papers
UGH! I Just Got the Creepiest Feeling That I Have Been Here Before: Dà ©jà vu and the Brain, Consciousness and Self We have all some experience of a feeling, that comes over us occasionally,, of what we are saying and doing having been said and done before, in a remote time - of our having been surrounded, dim ages ago, by the same faces, objects, and circumstances - of our knowing perfectly what will be said next, as if we suddenly remember it! (Dickens in David Copperfield - chapter 39 (1)) It happens to me and it has probably happened to you. It is sudden and fleeting, leaving as unexpectedly as it came. While the experience is striking in its clarity and detail, it is difficult to recapture or recount. Generally, it is left unexplained and is described in a vague sense, often simply as, "Wow, I just got the strangest dà ©jà vu." Because it is so difficult to research and seems to have no deleterious effects on daily and long-term nervous system function, dà ©jà vu has been left largely to the wayside of neurobiological investigation. In all of its ambiguity, dà ©jà vu is still a perplexing phenomenon that has not yet been fully explained. The value of truly understanding the source of dà ©jà vu and its circuitry is in uncovering one of the many keys to the role of the conscious self in the functioning of the brain. What is dà ©jà vu and how does it work? Dà ©jà vu is considered a common phenomenon. Surveys show that about one third of the population has had the most common form of dà ©jà vu sensations (1). Due to the subjective and often indescribable nature of the associated feelings, it has been difficult, to determine who is actually experiencing dà ©jà vu. In general, however, dà ©jà vu is "any number of hard-to-explain sometimes upsetting occurrences of unexpected recognition, in which the person involved has trouble identifying an antecedent for the events and/or places which seem so strangely and intensely familiar (1)." Dà ©jà vu has been defined as "familiarity without awareness (13)." While the situational cues of a dà ©jà vu are familiar, there is a definite lack of awareness about the specific source of the memory. Arthur Funkhouser (1) defines three types of dà ©jà vu in an attempt to more clearly delineate between associated, but different, neurological experiences. These are dà ©jà vecu (already experienced), dà ©jà senti (already felt) and dà ©jà visità © (already visited).
Friday, January 17, 2020
Portrayal of Female Harassment Issues in TV Dramas Essay
The values of gender equality are promoted among all countries all over the world. Women have become more economically strong and independent even in South Asian region. Media has played a vital role in molding the opinions and providing a sigh of relief to the suppressed women folk. The relationship of women and media is very important as media transforms the real picture of women and their core issues in front of the public through its programs and TV dramas. Media broadcasts important messages on women harassment issues, domestic violence, gender bias, stories of mental torture and gender norms through various TV dramas, talk shows and magazine shows. Keywords: Domestic violence, mental torture, gender harassment, faith, religious strength, patience, tolerance. Introduction Pakistani media has become very liberal, moderate and independent since 2001. Media has played a vital role in molding the opinions of the people and providing a sigh of relief to suppressed women of our society. The relationship between woman and media is very important as media presents the real picture of women issues among of the public. Pakistani media is growing with 60 private TV networks and 12 FM radio channels. Media transmits women domestic harassment, violence, mental torture, rape cases through talk shows and TV dramas. Our TV channels represent all cultural and social bindings of women so the audience can digest them without criticism. In some TV dramas, the Islamic values and trends are also projected. Mostly Pakistani dramas are centered especially on ‘women’ shown as mothers, sisters and wives. Women are critical to almost each and every story. Majority of Pakistani dramas today are a strange mix of growth and regress while some serials do carry a liberal, progressive and gender-sensitive messages. Most of them strengthen the patriarchal values and criticize orthodoxy in the same stride. It is very difficult for the general public to understand the conflicting messages behind several storylines in the modern-day drama. Working women are depicted as strong and independent but also negatively is portrayed by their cunning and vampire-like nature. Women are shown being maltreated by men i. e. slapped, beaten up, humiliated, abused and conversely, men are depicted as the exclusive decision-makers who simply order the women in their lives around, telling them what to do or what not to do. One point is extremely worrying about such scenes depicting male dominance and male chauvinism as they invoke similar negative behavior especially among males in the general public. The ordinary man or woman becomes subject to this reinforcement of stereotypical images of women and adapts and accepts these stereotypes as normal and natural. Honour is depicted often in highly distorted contexts. A brother’s or father’s reaction when a sister or daughter is suspected of immorality is portrayed in such a manner that the crime is glorified and the victim condemned. Very rarely, do these serials convey the idea that ‘honour’ does not have a physical manifestation and is purely related to a person’s character. Honour can never be taken away by the use of force. Overly negative emotions attached to having a daughter-in-law. Words and phrases constantly refer to the presence of a daughter-in-law as an individual who will take far away son from his parents. The expressions of insecurity is attached with parents as they do not want to lose their boy after getting married neither they want to allow him being very close to his wife. Connected to this patriarchal approach is the issue of a divorced woman. The blame is placed squarely on the woman for not being able to keep her marriage intact or her husband happy. A woman who asks for a divorce is portrayed as committing an unpardonable act. In some cases, divorced is given by husbands on suspect of shaky character of women at family level. In Pakistan even today, young girls are forcefully married to old men under the tradition of ‘Family Marriages/Vani’. Sometimes girls are married with old men as their brothers or father has killed someone in bridegroom’s family due to enmity i. e. Fata, North Waziristan, South Waziristan. The top most watched TV channel is GEO TV Network owned by Jang Group of Publications and was launched in 2002. Geo TV is news based and an entertainment channel. Rationale The present paper will highlight the relationship between gender and media with reference of Pakistani TV Drama Serial titled as â€Å"Meri Zaat Zarra-e-Benishan†that went on air on GEO TV in 2009. The rationale of carrying out this research on this play is as follows: Domestic (married) woman portrayal in media? How religion can be used for woman harassment in domestic affairs and consequences? How human relationships can be disturbed by telling lies, taking fake oaths on Holy Books and putting allegations on innocent people? Sometimes woman fights against many strange persons and situations to safe her martial life or relationship besides having feelings of self-pity and self-assassination. What are the reasons behind it? Domestic violence on women Pakistan is counted among those countries that falls in the headlines due to domestic and gender-based harassment issues. The ratio of sexual harassment victims is alarmingly getting high in Pakistan. Domestic violence is physical, sexual, psychological or financial violence that takes place within an intimate relationship and forms a pattern of coercive and controlling behavior. This can include ‘forced marriage’ and ‘honour crimes’. * Pakistan is an Islamic state where 70 percent girls are forced to get married on their parent’s choice in rural and urban areas and choice marriages are still rare due to prevailing feudal culture of the society. Culturally and ethically, women are bound to pass their lives as per their husbands will and under his supremacy and authority. * Divorce in any case is not tolerable even in well-educated and sophisticated families and a divorce woman cannot pass a ‘stable’ life ahead. Choice marriages (boy/girl) are considered as a severe crime. * Repression of women continues even after marriage at the hands of husbands or in-laws. The worst form of married woman’s conflict is with her mother-in-law. In most of the divorce cases, mother-in-law or sister-in-law have played a primary role. * The husband or any close relative from the family can show doubts on woman’s character/ extra-marital affair. In some cases, husbands are found killing or divorcing t heir wives on these issues. Concept of Oath-taking on Holy Book Religious aspect is also very important in our society. Sometimes, woman has to justify herself in front of the whole family by taking an oath on ‘Quran’ which is considered as giving decision of conflict in Allah’s Almighty’ s hand. This custom is called as â€Å"Quran Uthana†in our society commonly practiced in four provinces of Pakistan. If the oath is completely based on truth, it will save her life forever but if the oath taken on Quran will be on false statement; the situation will be vice verse. I will mention a saying of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) â€Å"Do not be aggressive towards a person who has nobody to defend against you except Allah†. Never take a false oath by Allah as a witness keeping hand on Quran, as it is one of the major sins in Islam. Do not make your oaths a means of deceiving one another or your foot will slip after it was firmly placed and you will taste evil for barring access to the way of Allah and you will have a terrible punishment. (Quran: Nahl, 16:92) Those who sell Allah’s contract and their own oaths for a paltry price, such people will have no portion in the next world, and on the ray of rising Allah will not speak to them or look at them or purify them. They will have a painful punishment. (Quran: Al Imran, 3:77) Methodology: This study is an attempt to examine the relationship between gender and media as well as media dependency on religious norms of the society. It focuses on the female gender harassment at domestic level by giving religious justifications. This issue has been depicted brilliantly in one of the Pakistani TV drama serials â€Å"Meri Zaat Zara-e-Benishan†in 2009-2010. For a purposeful study, this play, its dialogues, scenes, characterization, religious aspects, impact on female viewers has been studied and deeply reviewed by the researcher under the methodology of content analysis and survey.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Article Review Is Google Making Us Stupid - 1250 Words
What effect does modern digital technology have on individuals who rely on it heavily in their everyday lives? Innovations such as video games, internet search engines, and online databases receive great praise as well as great criticism depending on who answers this question. Nicholas Carr and Steven Johnson have both written pieces stating their opinions on technology’s effect on the human brain. Carr’s article â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†explains how accessing information quickly and easily through search engines like Google negatively alters the way people seek and read information and think. Johnson’s book â€Å"Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter†covers the positive attributes of digital technology, video games in particular. He explains how video games are intellectually stimulating and help develop complex skills. Digital technology has interesting effects on the different processes of our mind. In the days before computers and the internet, research for occupational and personal purposes was mostly done in a library. Libraries house thousands of books and articles filled with information about any topic imaginable. But even with aisles labelled by genre and organized with the Dewey Decimal System, it would take someone anywhere from several hours to several days to find the specific information they needed. While public libraries are still available for people to use today, many prefer the speed and efficiency ofShow MoreRelatedArticle Review : Is Google Making Us Stupid By Nicholas Carr880 Words  | 4 Pagesthings, most of the time, it is more for entertainment. It is because of this that people claim that technology is changing the way people think today. In his article â€Å"Is Google making us stupid†, Nicholas Carr argues that people have become dependent upon the internet for information rather than having to work to figure it out. In the article â€Å"Does texting effect writing†, Michaela Cullington argues that people’s texting is effecting the way people write because people don’t show emotion when textingRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?1040 Words  | 5 Pagesquestion â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†This has set off a debate on the effects the internet is having on our brains. Obviously the internet is here to stay, but is it making us scatterbrained? Are we losing the ability to think deeply? Criticism of the Web most often questions whether we are becoming more superficial and scattered in our thinking. In the July-August 2008 Atlantic magazine, Nicholas Carr published Is Google Making Us Stupid? ( Like otherRead MoreGoogle Makes People Smarter?1723 Words  | 7 PagesGoogle Makes People Smarter People are adapting, and changing their approach of how they seek knowledge: From hours, and hours of researching in the library to find information, to a five-second research on the internet with a click of a button? In an ever-changing world, humans are evolving with the ease of technology. The google search engine allows the users to search anything with the tip of their fingers. The World Wide Web has billions of website with information. People can search anythingRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid?920 Words  | 4 Pagesexpressed, it seems we are falling for the falsely defined characteristics of the internet. We can either let the unreliable reviews take our attention away from the internet or let it contribute to the way we learn. While the false reports haven’t had much negative effects on usage, Nicholas Carr offers a different perspective than that of Manuel Castells. In â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†Carr believes the Internet has taken the foundation out of learning, socializing and reading. Coupled with Manuel CastellsRead MoreIs Google Making Us Stupid? Essay1400 Words  | 6 PagesIs Google Making Us Stupid? Is an article that exemplifies rhetoric expertise. The writer of the article, Nicholas Carr, is well known for his writing regarding the tech industry. Before understanding the author’s approach, the reader must understand the author’s background. What authority do they have to write about this subject? In this case, I’ll deliver my own knowledge of his background. Carr is a scholar writer who has written for the Harvard Business Review, various essays covering techRead More`` Is Google Making Us Stupid?1505 Words  | 7 Pagesthat technology is indeed changing the way we think. Among the members contributing to this conversation, two strikingly different outlooks on how these changes will affect the future exist. Either we should be terrified, or worrying is premature. Articles written by experts specializing in psychology and the brain, such as Pinker’s â€Å"Mind Over Mass Media,†as well as How Has the Internet Reshaped Human Cognition? by Kee and Loh, as well as and finally â€Å"Children, Wired- for Better and for Worse†byRead MorePositive And Negative Effects Of Technology1600 Words  | 7 Pagesindividuals are against technology and its incorporation in society. In her 2017 article, Technology in the Classroom Is Gateway to a Brighter Future Ann Woo spoke about how with technology â€Å"teachers are able to cater to specific learning styles, engage students both in and out of the classroom, and encourage an increased level of student involvement and collaboration.†This is an extremely important part of education, making sure that each individual student is catered to and is able to understand educationRead MoreThe Impact Of Technological Innervation On The Way People Act And Think On A Daily Basis876 Words  | 4 PagesNich olas Carr, a technology, culture and economics writer, examines the impact technological innervation has on the way people act and think on a daily basis. His recent difficulties concentrating while reading books and lengthy articles has led him to believe that his time spent online may be contributing to his lacking concentration and contemplation skills. By prefacing his argument with anecdotes from his friends and acquaintances, he is convinced that a new type of reading and interpreting isRead MoreNegative Effects Of Technology On The Brain Essay1465 Words  | 6 Pagesusage within many ways and has caused successful changes in a person’s lively routine. However, technology has evolved since the very beginning which concern has grown over the negative effects of its excessive use. Nicholas Carr’s article â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid†addresses the tendency of technology to create a sort of mental laziness where people look for instant answers rather t han thinking for themselves. Daphne Bavelier, C. Shawn Green, and Matthew W.G. Dye have written in â€Å"Children, Wired:Read MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society1473 Words  | 6 Pagesways people may never be able to comprehend. Technology will always be the epitome of human intelligence and it is this fact that should allow us to not only understand that technology is not dangerous to us but that technology should enable the human race to take part in the furthering of humanity s evolution in intelligence. Take Google for instance. Google allows people to search the internet in a matter of seconds instead of going to the local library and spending the entire day looking for that
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